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RaceGrade BL GPS V3 10hz
(Typically ships in 2-3 Days)
RaceGrade BL GPS V3 10hz
RaceGrade BL GPS V3 10hz
These units are drop in replacements for the V2.1. The exterior dimensions and connector types and pin-outs are identical. They are marked clearly as V3 units. They can use pre-existing RaceGrade GPS antennas. The basics are that the performance is nearly identical to the V2.1 device with a few software upgrades.
- Tracks up to 12 US GPS satellites
- Delivers high-precision, differential positioning accuracy of 60 cm, 95% of the time
- 67% of the time precision will be 30cm
- Consumer off the shelf GPS is typically no less than 2.5M
- COAST and SureTrack routines maintain sub-meter DGNSS positioning for 40 minutes after SBAS correction loss

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